The PGE Project Methodology: A Field Guide for Integrating Gender Equity in the Coffee Value Chain

The PGE Project Methodology (PM) provides a framework and serves as a step-by-step guide to plan, manage, and evaluate a PGE field level project to promote gender equity within a coffee supply chain. The PGE PM guides engagement with three levels of the supply chain including farmer households, producer organizations, and end market partners. Working within these three levels of the supply chain, the PM offers specific tools and provides action steps that project implementers can follow in order to ensure all relevant stakeholders can successfully carry out a PGE field level project and meet expected outcomes.

Gender in Coffee Documentary

This film opens the conversation about gender roles, women's empowerment, masculinity, women’s coffee and the importance of working towards gender equality for the sustainability of the coffee industry.

Filmed between January and March 2018, from Mexico to the United States the film follows the story of women and men involved in the production, transformation and consumption of coffee.

Transversalizar género en la cadena de café

El objetivo de la sistematización es recopilar los antecedentes del proyecto de aprendizaje sobre metodologías de género aplicadas por socias y aliadas de la plataforma SAFE, registrar las distintas metodologías para incorporar el enfoque de género en la cadena de valor de café y cacao.