Coffee & Climate Toolbox

The c&c toolbox was developed as an open online platform to effectively tackle climate change. The c&c toolbox is a compilation of tools, climate maps, case studies, guidelines, and further training materials that equip farmers and farming communities with valuable information.

Suitability of key Central American agroforestry species under future climates: an Atlas

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This atlas provides habitat suitability maps for 54 species that are widely used in Central America for shade in coffee or cocoa agroforestry systems.

Hivos Coffee Toolkit

This toolkit intends to motivate and assist coffee roasters and traders and their practitioners to apply an inclusive approach to develop better functioning coffee chains benefitting both men and women of different age groups equally. It provides practical approaches and tools for all stages in value chain interventions.

ABIS - Asistente para la Implementación de Buenas Prácticas en Sostenibilidad

El aplicativo facilita la comparación de Estándares Voluntarios de Sostenibilidad para la elaboración de planes de acción que permitan avanzar en el cumplimiento de prácticas hacia la sostenibilidad.

R&R Guidebook

Interactive version coming soon!

The Guidebook is a rich resource for companies, governments, investors, and service providers alike. The document can help you partner up with an existing effort, start a new effort, or even refine your current program. If you are interested in learning the basics on R&R, then we suggest you review the Executive Summary. If you are a practitioner already familiar with R&R and are eager to dive into details, we suggest you start with Section 3: How to Make R&R work. In this Guidebook, you will find numbers behind the need, rich case studies with lessons from the field, decision trees to determine appropriate program structures and financial models, and much more!